Played-A-Live – Easy/Intermediate GradeBongoes, Tom Toms (4 players) , Aux Perc 1 (splash cym, sus cym) Aux Perc 2 (Tamb, Tri), Aux Perc 3 (Hi Hat, BD), Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Vibraphone, Marimba 1+2 (can be played on one 4-1/2 octave instrument) Players: 9-13 | Duration: 3:53 | Published by Sticks and Staves This dynamic arrangement of safri Duo’s Played-A-Live offers an exciting feature piece for large percussion ensemble. The well-known bongo rhythm from the original becomes the starting point for an ongoing dialogue between the solo bongo and the drumline-style tom toms. The characteristic highly-syncopated xylophone melody is the main feature of the riff-based mallet section. Mallets and drums eventually unite to create one mighty groove! |